Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Bachelorette Overnight Dates Recap:

Alright let's talk about the bachelorette this week. There were two episodes this week. Overnights were Monday and Men Tell All was Tuesday. I wish I would have thought of this earlier this season but you could literally play a drinking game and drink anytime JoJo brings up Ben or how last season was for her. It is brought up constantly. Did you know that Ben told JoJo he loved her last year but chose Lauren instead? Anyone? Yeah I didn't know that either. Geeze.

Robby was first for the overnights. Lucky man, no sloppy seconds for him. I have read and read about how bad Robby is and all of that but he even had me fooled this week. So JoJo, who knows nothing about how he truly is, would definitely fall for him. I am not sure if his feelings are genuine. I can only imagine they are not because he fell in love with her after 10 minutes so that should tell you something. Of course she she gives him the Fantasy Suite Card and whatever happened is left to your imagination. JoJo admits in an interview that she loves Robby but it too afraid to tell him. Anyone else notice that he just now started calling her Joelle? What is that about? He thinks since he made it to the top three he can start calling her by her real name? 

Next is Jordan. JoJo really grilled Jordan at dinner about how he knows he is ready to be engaged and all of that, which shows she is serious about him and needs to make sure he is on the same level. However, of course he gets the fantasy suite card. The next morning when they went to eat breakfast JoJo said "it's our first breakfast together." The exact same thing she said to Robby the morning before. Again, she said that she loves Jordan but is too afraid to tell him. In Jordan's interview after the fantasy suite he was smiling so hard, saying they got close last night and all that. So basically spilled the beans there! As if you didn't already know what happened.

Poor Chase. He is so sweet and I honestly think he is pretty genuine. Apparently that is not JoJo's type though. They seemed like they had the best day together and she kept saying that she is crazy about him. She gives him the fantasy suite card and the second he tells her he is in love with her, she runs. She should have done that with Robby when he said it after 10 minutes of being together. She actually let Chase go once he told her that because she said she did not feel the way she should feel. That was honestly so sad. But even worse that she did not cry that much but said that was her worst good bye of all, when a week earlier she was almost hyperventilating about saying goodbye to Luke. Interesting..

Needless to say, Robby and Jordan are her final two.

Men Tell All was Tuesday. That was basically all about Chad again. All of the guys bashing him and him being cracking jokes back at him. Some of the things he said was quite funny though. 
He straight up told the truth about Robby threatening his ex to not say anything else to media. Which was proven by Reality Steve when he showed an email his ex sent to him. So he isn't lying there. I did find it kind of funny when he told JoJo that Robby left his girlfriend to go on the show and Jordan is a liar and cheater. Laugh. Out. Loud. JoJo was pissed though. 

All in all I am excited to see the final episode and After the Final Rose next week. AND Bachelor in Paradise is back next Tuesday! That's a good one! 

Thanks for reading! See you next week! 


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