Tuesday, August 2, 2016

The Bachelorette Finale Recap

The show of the summer has come to an end. It is sad, but at least we have Bachelor in Paradise to look forward to the rest of this summer. This season was honestly sub-par in my opinion. Usually every season, I fall in love with one guy and am dying for them to win. This season, I did not really like any guy and did not think that any of them were all that great or there for the right reasons. 

The show starts off immediately with the final two men meeting JoJo's family. Jordan shows up with what looks like a bouquet that a bride holds at her wedding. Then he gets hats for everyone and makes everyone wear them? That was probably the oddest thing I have ever witnessed. Jordan did not ask for her father's permission to marry her. That was a little disheartening. 
Robby was next. I know he is probably the worst out of all of the men but every single week he fools me. He pulled both JoJo's mom and dad into a room and asked for their permission. How sweet is that? Then JoJo's dad gets emotional. Like Robby won that round! He said all the right things for sure. Her whole family basically says they like Robby. They all said that Robby was more husband material and is ready for to be married. Honestly, what is it about Jordan that is making her want to keep him? Besides the fact he is like 46% hotter than Robby? But at the same time, if you watched MTA last week and have ever read Reality Steve, you have heard awful things about Robby, so do you really want her with either of them? My answer is NO. Luke should have won because he seemed like one of the only genuine guys there this entire season. Which makes me feel ssooo bad for JoJo. 
The best part is that JoJo got so upset when she found out that Jordan did not ask her parents permission to propose. She got really defensive. Like all season, do NOT talk crap about Jordan or JoJo will freak on you. Oh, and who is the girl sitting in the corner that doesn't a say word the whole time? JoJo's sister I am assuming but we didn't see her say a word or talk to anyone. That was weird. Did she even need to be there? 
JoJo's last date with Robby was first. Anyone know why he hardly ever calls her JoJo anymore? He calls her Jo or Joelle now. Of course they show them making out in the ocean for like 3 minutes straight. Literally laugh out loud at what Robby said he sees in his future with JoJo. Burning the meatloaf? Sitting on the coach with a dog, obviously? Kids being noisy in the background? He put a timeline of all of that happening in the next three years. Yeeaaahhhh..That's what they all say, until ATFR when they come out and say they want to live a normal life and go on dates for awhile before planning a wedding. 
Hey! Did anyone know that Robby told JoJo he loves her first? Yeah, I did not know that either! I think that is the only thing that has gotten Robby this far. It was kind of cute that Robby printed pictures off of them. That night JoJo seemed so sure that Robby is the guy for her. She said that she will say yes to Robby and that she knows it could be forever. I do love that Robby said he respects and understands that she won't say she loves him but he will drop to his knees when he hears it. Literally, he knows what to say. Ugh!
First thing I noticed about Jordan for his last date, shorts were a couple inches too short. Yuck! Maybe his luggage got lost and he had to borrow some of JoJo's? They look like they are the same size. On a better looking note, the cave they got to Kayak through was literally breath taking. Wait, Jordan grew up thinking about asking permission of the father of the woman he wants to marry? Wow, poor kid had a sad and boring childhood. The conversation between JoJo and Jordan about him not asking permission, is awkward and uncomfortable at best. Is he not good under pressure? Probably why he isn't the football player his brother is honestly. It was literally like he had no idea what to say. I did read something that said Jordan's plan this whole season was to respectfully eliminate himself before making it the whole way in order to have a chance at being the next bachelor. Was that why he did not ask for her father's permission? Because he had no intention of asking JoJo to marry him? I'm not sure. Beats me!
At least Jordan called JoJo's parents and finally asked permission. Both men picked out rings for JoJo. I will say out of all seasons I think Andi did the most respectable thing by not allowing the man she was not going to choose to pick out a ring. It is the worst when you see both men pick out rings and only one gets to actually pull it out of their pocket. 
AANNDDD...Drum roll please!! Robby is the first one out of the car. Which means he is NOT the father. I mean her forever. Why even let the man you are letting go have a speech? She should have cut him off immediately before hearing everything wonderful he had to say about her and then being like umm sorry dude, it is not you. I do not understand how someone can say "I wanted it to be you." Then why are you going to be with Jordan if you want to be with Robby? Just doesn't make sense. Does he have to give the ring that ABC bought back to Neil Lane? Anyone else notice that Robby put the front part of the seat belt under his arm like children do? haha
Out of everything that happened with Jordan that week and how her whole family told her they like Robby the most and he is marriage material, she still chooses Jordan. Oh, JoJo changed Jordan? Is that why he got back on a dating app when the show ended? Who Knows?!
I will give it to Jordan though, his speech got me a bit emotional. It was honestly really perfect! I literally had the biggest smile on my face the whole time they were talking to each other and everything! I can only hope that Jordan is a good man and is faithful and loyal to JoJo. 
I wish them both the best and I hope they get their happily ever after!(:

But we still have ATFR to see if they really are still together and if it is honest.

After watching ATFR it really does seem like JoJo and Jordan are happy and together! He is moving to Dallas like in a couple days. They already have a house together in Dallas. WOW! Talk about something none of us saw coming!

So say goodbye to one of the best shows of summer. On to BIP! 

Thanks for reading


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